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The 7th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2021

Dear Colleagues, 


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 7th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2021 between 21th and 22th of May 2021, organized by “Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this edition will take place ONLINE! 

The topics include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • military sciences,
  • navigation and shipping,
  • mechanical engineering,
  • electrical engineering,
  • management,
  • logistics,
  • humanities and fundamental sciences.

We invite original paper submissions that describe novel ideas and technologies, applications, experiments and empirical studies, or design techniques within topics of the conference. The Organizing Committee invites you to submit papers to this Conference. Full papers should make substantial, novel and relevant contributions to the field. 

Scientific papers submitted in accordance with SEA-CONF2021 conference topics will be published in Scientific Buletin of Naval Academy (Ebsco, Doaj, ProQuest).


The authors are kindly invited to submit their papers according to the following deadlines: 

Submission of ABSTRACT in English: 17 March 2021 

Notification of the acceptance: 24 March 2021 

Submission of full- paper: 31 March 2021 


For more details please consult the conference website (which is constantly updated:



Kindest considerations,

Sea-Conf Organizing Committee